Paper Bush Growing! ミツマタは成長してます!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I knew nothing about paper bush but the name when taking the first photo in January, and needless to say no idea about how it would be like when its flowers blossom. So I was glad to see the flowers (though in another place) again in half bloom late February.

Paper bush in Ueno peony garden in January

In February in neighborhood

People usually prefer flowers in full bloom to buds, but I believe that's not necessarily true to this plant. Paper bush buds are cuter or more kawaii than its blooming flowers, aren't they?

To tell you the truth, I had never been interested in paper bush or any other plants or flowers until a few years ago, but writing posts for this blog has changed me, opening my eyes and enabling me to appreciate something beautiful which is before me but which I wouldn't have noticed...

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