Real vs. Painting Peonies - Famille Rose Vase 粉彩牡丹文大瓶

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is a 50cm high famille rose vase with peony design made in the Yongezhen period (1723-1735) during the Qing dynasty. The Chinese enamel technique used for the vase allowed for fine gradations and better three-dimensional depictions.

Large vase with peony design in famille rose enamel
Yongezhen period, Qing dynasty

Three peonies selected

I had taken dozens of photos of "real" peonies in the peony garden within the Ueno Park several weeks before, so I looked for those of pink, orange and yellow peonies to compare them with these enamel-painted ones on the vase.

Pink peony in the Ueno peony garden

Orange (?) peony in the Ueno peony garden

Yellow peony in the Ueno peony garden

Wow! These peony paintings pretty look like real ones, don't they? You can enjoy this beautiful vase at Tokyo National Museum and peonies in the peony garden nearby.

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数週間前に上野ぼたん苑に行って牡丹の写真をたくさん撮ったので、瓶に描かれた牡丹に似た「本物の牡丹」がないか探してみたらありました! どうでしょう。結構似てませんか(笑)?

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