Asiatic 'Black Out' Lilly 赤い百合「ブラックアウト」

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is Asiatic lily "Blackout."

Asiatic Black Out Lilies ブラックアウト

Why "Black out"?

Why is it "Black out"? I googled, but couldn't find the reason. Is it because the flower is so beautiful that someone looking at it may lose consciousness? Or when someone blacks out, do they often see something red like this flower? 

Anyway, the name "Black out" matches this dark carmine red lily so much! 

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最初、一瞬後ずさり。自然のものとは思えない赤。いやいや、花だから自然か。。。 なんて思いつつ、写真を撮りました。



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