Yellow and Pink Lilies 黄色とピンクのユリ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I didn't realize that it's been the lily season, but seeing lilies of various colors, Blackout red, Thunberg orange, and the yellow, pale pink and bright pink in the photos below made me aware of that.

Yellow 黄色

Battered by strong wind 風でなぎ倒されてました

Pale pink 薄ピンク

Bright pink 濃いピンク

Lilies and blue sky ユリと空

Lily is "yuri or 'ゆり'" in Japanese hiragana characters and "百合" in Chinese characters.

The hiragama name "yuri" was given after the term "yusuri," meaning shaking or trembling, because lilies shake and/or tremble in the wind as their stems are thin but the flowers are big.

The Chinese name "百合" on the other hand means that "many (百*)" scales "overlap (合)" each other. (Source: LOVEGREEN)
* "百" literally means hundred.

Lily bulbs are edible, often steamed, sauteed or deep-fried (i.e., tempura), and their season is from November to February. So if you have a chance to come to Japan after COVID-19 is over, don't miss eating lily bulb or "yurine" TEMPURA, my favorite way to cook lily bulbs!   

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6月って百合の季節だったんですね。 真っ赤なブラックアウトユリや、オレンジのスカシユリの後に、黄色、薄ピンク、濃いピンクのユリも見つけました。



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