Plantain Lily ギボウシ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I've often seen plantain lilies recently, but didn't pay much attention because there were many other more colorful flowers, like red hydrangeas, Blackout lilies, lilium maculatum Thunberg.....

Plantain lily ギボウシ

The pale pink is so delicate 薄ピンクがはかなげ

Hosta montana 擬宝珠

But I couldn't forget about them. Every time I passed by them, I felt guilty that I disregarded something I shouldn't have. I still don't understand why I felt so, but maybe that's because the color pale pink is so delicately beautiful....

Plantain lily is called "giboshi" or "gibosh" in Japanese meaning a type of ornamental finial used on Japanese railings (according to Wikipedia) because the shape of the lily's bud looks like the finial.

This has added one item to my list of things to do during the next trip to Kyoto and Nara after COVID-19 is over. I will go to as many temples and shrines as possible to see if the finials there really look like the plantain lily's bud😂!!

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ギボウシ(擬宝珠)です。最近よく見かけていたのですが、他の花のインパクトが強すぎて(赤い紫陽花ブラックアウトユリスカシユリ)、放置してました。でも通り過ぎるたびになぜか罪悪感が。。。 というわけで書きました。


オーキードーキー!! 次、京都と奈良行ったら、たくさんお寺に行ってたくさん擬宝珠見てくるぞ😂!!

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