Lacecap Hydrangea Colors Change 額紫陽花の七変化

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I've been observing lacecap hydrangeas grow and change colors since I wrote about them a few weeks ago.
Deep purple, pale blue and pale green

Blue purple, pale blue and pale green

Pale pink and green 薄ピンク、緑

White, lime green and pale blue

White, purple and pale pink 白、紫、薄ピンク

Pale pink, pale blue and pale green

White, green, red and pink 白、薄緑、赤、ピンク

I said "observing" because they are so beautiful that I can't help but look at them, among others, the combinations of such various colors as white, pink, blue, green and purple in different shades, which can't be seen in mophead hydrangeas! 

Hydrangea is called "seven changes" in Japan, which I will definitely enjoy through the rainy season starting in a week!! 

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数週間前、額紫陽花について書きました。どんどん進化してます!色の組み合わせが本当に綺麗😍 紫陽花の別名は「七変化」。その名の通り、どんどん色が変わります。今後も注目です!

(Google アカウントを持ってない方は、コメント記入後に「Google アカウント」をクリックし、「匿名」か「名前/URL」を選択してからご記入ください!)

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