Not Bottlebrush But Feijoa! 赤ちゃんブラシノキと思ったらフェイジョア!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Wow! That was my first reaction when finding these pretty red and white flowers. And the next question was, "Why are they still in bloom?" I thought they were bottlebrush flowers, remembering writing about them mid-May

First thought they were baby bottlebrush flowers

Feijoa フェイジョアでした

Or pineapple guavas

This is bottlebrush これがブラシノキ

People learn and I'm not an exception. I often get the name of flowers wrong, for example, mistaking daylily for freesia and foxglove for lupin before, so I googled and found that this is not bottlebrush but feijoa or pineapple guava!

Feijoa and bottlebrush flowers are both red but a feijoa has white parts, which are petals (the red parts are stamens), and is not bottlebrush-shaped.  

Anyway, both flowers made me very happy, like Christmas coming soon! According to Wikipedia, Feijoa's fruit is green and edible, tasting like pineapple, apple and mint. I want to try it😋!!

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ブラシノキの赤ちゃん? 最初そう思いました。こんな珍しい花、そうそうあるもんではありませんから。でも以前、ヘメロカリスとフリージア、そしてジギタリスとルピナスを間違うという失態を犯しましたので、ググりました。するとこれはフェイジョアだということが分かりました(ググってよかった~😅)!


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