Round Ball Shaped Hydrangeas こんもり紫陽花がいっぱい!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I've already written several posts about hydrangeas, but couldn't resist the temptation to write another one, this time with a special focus on ball shaped ones!!

Round red こんもり赤

Ball-shaped pink こんもりピンク

Round blue purple こんもり青紫

A bit distorted ball shaped one with color changing

Ball shaped white "June bride"!

"Round ball shaped" is "konmori" in Japanese, and I realized something while writing. How is "konmori" written in Chinese characters?

"Konmori" is "こんもり" in Japanese hiragara characters, but I have never used or seen the term written in Chinese characters, so I googled and what I found on this website surprised me. 

"Konmori" is 蓊欝 ! Can you write it? I'm Japanese, but even I can't read or write it! So, in Chinese characters, a round ball shaped hydrangea is "蓊欝紫陽花"😵.....

Read the following posts about other various types of hydrangeas, too!

Oakleaf hydrangea

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こんもり感が何とも言えません。と書いていてふと思いました。「こんもり」って何? ググったらこちらのサイトに「こんもり」は「蓊欝」と書くとありました。えーっ!! 読めません。書けません。。。😵 まあでも、こんもりとした紫陽花をどうぞお楽しみください!


Oakleaf hydrangea 柏葉紫陽花

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