Cutleaf Evening Primrose Changes Color When Aged 小待宵草(コマツヨイグサ)も色が変わる

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is cutleaf evening primrose I found on a roadside while walking.

Cutleaf evening primrose コマツヨイグサ

The pale yellow is so pretty
小待宵草 薄黄色が可憐

The pale yellow, which makes it look so fragile, stopped me, but the flower fades orange, pink, or red with age according to Wikipedia, so I decided to observe this pretty flower until I would see the color fading. And then a week later, I found the orange and pale red ones below.

Faded orange? オレンジになっちゃった?

Almost dead? 枯れちゃった?

It seems to have eight petals, but actually four heart-shaped petals.

In Japan, cutleaf evening primrose is called "small flower waiting for evening," a pretty and similar name to the English one.

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ちなみに英語では「cutleaf evening primrose(葉っぱに切れ込みがある夕暮れプリムローズ)」。「小待宵草」と何となく似てませんか?

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