St. John's Wort is Hairy, Too! ビヨウヤナギ(未央柳)も毛深いです!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This bright yellow and the medial long stamens caught my eye. This is common St. John's wort.   

 Common St. John's wort 未央柳

As hairy as love-in-a-mist? 

Many common St. John's wort flowers

Common St. John's wort is tricky because it so looks like "goldencup St. John's wort." I actually had mistaken these "common" ones for "goldencup" ones until realizing the difference that the common one is "hairy," i.e., it has numerous long stamens while the "goldencup" not.  

Common St. John's wort is called "Weiyang willow" in Japan, named after The Weiyang Palace, the main imperial palace complex of the Han and other Chinese dynasties in the city of Chang'an (modern-day Xi'an), built in 200 BC. The palace had willows and their leaves resemble the flower's leaves, although common St. John's wort isn't in the willow family.

If you found this hairy yellow flower beautiful, read another post about nigella or live-in-a-mist, which is also hairy!

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立札に「美容柳(ビヨウヤナギ)」とありました。でもそれは間違いで本当は「未央柳」だそうです。そして柳でもないそうです。。。 えっ! いい加減すぎるでしょ😡。でもそんな怒りを帳消しにするほどの未央柳の色と形です。



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