Where's Red Clover? アカツメクサを探せ!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I first felt bad for the red clover being by itself surrounded by a lot of white ones.

Where's red clover?

Lonely red clover...

Clovers were used as cushioning materials

However, these white clovers reminded me of my childhood - I made flower crowns of white clovers!

Clover is called "cushioning (material) plant" in Japan because clovers were used as cushioning materials for packaging glass products, a gift to Japan from the Netherlands, in 1846.

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花の表記はなるべく和名にするようにしています。美しい和名を覚えたいからです。「詰草」の名称は、1846年 にオランダから献上されたガラス製品の包装に緩衝材として詰められていたことに由来するそうです


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