Baby Blue Eye is Celebrity😎 Rose Evening Primrose is Nobody😭 ネモフィラはセレブ、ローズイブニングプリムローズは庶民

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These blue flowers are "baby blue eyes" or in Japanese "lapis lazuli arabesque." The English and Japanese names both exactly represent what they look like!

And pink small flowers in the third and fourth photos are "rose evening primrose" or "evening make-up" in Japanese. Again, beautiful English and Japanese names.

They resemble each other, except for the color and the number of petals, but their treatment is completely different....

Baby blue eyes are called "lapis lazuli arabesque" in Japan

So popular in Japan, baby blue eyes attract many tourists

"Rose evening primrose" is called "evening make-up" in Japan

Rose evening primrose is anywhere

Baby blue eyes have more than a dozen of gardens across Japan (though currently closed because of the pandemic), attracting many tourists (with an admission fee of about 4 dollars per person!), while rose evening primroses are everywhere, like on roadsides, with no audience, but me...

Rose evening primrose is called "evening make-up" in Japan because it usually blooms in the evening though I saw them bloom very early morning.

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