Violas Are Policing Us! ビオラは見ている。。

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Is it only me who can't help but feel watched and stared at by these violas?

Pretty, but look like human faces watching me...

They look a bit grumpy....

Are they mad? 怒ってる?

They are shouting, "Why aren't you wearing a mask!?"

Violas are now in full bloom, so colorful and beautiful, but I couldn't like them and didn't know why. But today I've realized that I don't like them because they seem like policing us, i.e., watching us to see if we're wearing masks, keep a social distance, go out only for essential purposes...........😱

Does it sound crazy? Should I apologize to these innocent violas? Or do you see, like me, grumpy and angry faces in these flowers?

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ビオラが見頃です。でもこんなに可愛いのになぜかあまり好きになれない。今日その理由が分かりました。じっと見られている気がするんです。ちゃんとマスクを着けてるか、不要不急の外出じゃないか。。。 問い詰められてる気がするんです。。。😱


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