Baby Longheaded Locust on Red Zinnia 赤ちゃんバッタと百日草

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This bright garnet red stopped me, and then a tiny green thing caught my eye!!

Baby Oriental longheaded locust on zinnia

Are you gonna jump? 飛ぶ?

Red zinnia is so red! 真っ赤な百日草

It was a baby Oriental longheaded locust (I think!) and the flower red zinnia. The baby is so tiny, sitting still on a zinnia petal, looking like being poised to leap...

Babies are all cute, a bug, human, cat or dog, and this tiny baby locust reminded me of a white Frenchie puppy I saw several days earlier. The Frenchie puppy, taking a sniff of pink flowers on the roadside, was so adorable until he/she started peeing on those flowers. Having never had a pet, I couldn't understand why he or she had done that, so I told my husband about it. He said, "Frenchies are just stupid, but that's what makes them so cute. I love them!"

WHAT???? Are you saying I am stupid or you don't love me? But I, too, think Frenchies are stupid but love them. Don't ask why..... 

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お~い、どういうことだ? 私はバカ? それとも私のこと好きじゃない? いずれにせよ私もフレブル大好きです。

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