Snapdragons Are Talkative! キンギョソウはおしゃべり!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Snapdragons are everywhere in my neighborhood!!

Yellow snapdragon キンギョソウ

Look like goldfish 白ピンク金魚?

White snapdragon 白いキンギョソウ

Deep pink 鮮やかピンクです

A bit withered pink snapdragon

Snapdragon is called "goldfish plant" in Japanese. I like it! The name well describes the pretty shape and color of the flower, doesn't it?

I've seen snapdragons recently for a while, but didn't or couldn't write about them for a reason. They remind me of Yamatokoriyama city, which is known for the cultivation of goldfish, in Nara prefecture, a place which I've visited twice a year for almost ten years and want to move to after retirement, but I haven't been able to go to this year because of Covid-19! I tried to forget about snapdragons and a trip to the prefecture scheduled for this May which I cancelled, but in vain. These goldfish flowers are so pretty that I couldn't ignore them!

A snapdragon is a symbol of both "deception" and "graciousness" in Western countries while in Japan, "talkative," "meddler," and "busybody" because goldfish always opens their mouth in the water. This is a very unfair description of such pretty fish (or flowers)!

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