Don't Complain! Vote In Next Election! SNSより選挙に行こう!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Criticism is mounting in Japan over the Abe administration's terrible handling of Covid-19 situation, for example:

- Coronavirus testing is still insufficient.
- Covid-19 data are not disclosed, making peer review impossible.
- Abe can't answer any questions properly without scripts.
- Abe and government officials blame the public for insufficient tests.
- The LDP is now trying to revise prosecutor law in favor of them.

I can't agree more. Their Covid-19 handling has been terrible and their debate over prosecutor law revisions now, which can and should wait, is also stupid. But these are not their faults but people's because it's Japanese public who have chosen such incompetent leaders. The current situation is the results of the choices they have made over at least the last several years.

The majority of Japanese have supported the Abe administration for over eight years. They even allowed Abe and his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to win a landslide victory in the lower house election in October 2017, which was after the collective self-defense legislation had been pushed through in 2015 and the land sale scandal involving Abe and his wife Akie had come to light in 2017. The voting rate was about 54%, meaning some actively supporting the incumbent administration by actually voting for them, while others supporting them by not going to polling stations. However, what makes me most angry is "contradictory" complainers, i.e., those complaining about the status quo on SNS but ultimately voting for the incumbent saying, "We have no choice."

Such complainers are wrong because they have neglected to exercise their right to change the society. They are wrong also because they want not a democratic "leader," i.e., someone leading a country of which members take a participative role, but a "father figure" who tells them what to do. And they are wrong because they don't think themselves. They want someone who thinks and decides on their behalf. So stupid.....

Japan is now seeing the momentum for political change build. Will it take that momentum in the next election? I wish, but no. I don't think Japan will change because its people always forget. And that's why I don't hate Abe or those close to him, but these complainers who have allowed this one-party ruling to go on for such a long time by just complaining, doing nothing.

The next election will be held before the expiration of Abe's term in September 2021. So now I want to say out loud, truly hoping to see this my prediction turn out to be wrong in the next election, "Don't complain but vote!!!"

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それともう一つ。あなたにとって「リーダー」って何ですか? あれしろこれしろって言う「パパ」ですか。それとも自分も話し合いに参加して共に決めていく「民主主義型リーダー」ですか。自分で考えて判断することは、最小限の大人の責任です。


でもね、本当はあまり期待してません。だって日本人ってすぐ忘れちゃうでしょ。。。 でもそれでも、今度こそ、コロナ第二波が予想される今こそ、自分の予想が外れることを祈っています。。。

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