Petunia Veins ペチュニアの花脈

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I first saw purple petunias in March. And I found those of different colors this week.

Cream white クリーム色

Purple 紫

White 白

Deep pink ショッキングピンク

Pinkish red ピンクがかった赤

Bright pink 鮮やかなピンク

The beauty of flowers usually comes from petals, but much of the charm of petunias derives from veins on petals, which make the flower look more delicate and fragile.

In Japan, petunia is called "Japanese badminton morning glory" after its flower shape, which is like a morning glory, and the shape of its sepals and fruit, which as a whole looks like a Japanese badminton shuttlecock. 

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和名に含まれている「衝羽根」は羽根突きのことで、実と萼がその羽根に似ていることに由来するそうです。ちなみに羽根突きは英語では「Japanese badminton」。納得です☺

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