Wear A Mask!! マスクしろ!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

As NY Governor Cuomo said, someone not wearing a mask puts medical workers' lives in danger. This is also true of joggers without wearing face masks. Given that the current social distancing measures recommend keeping a distance of five meters when walking and ten meters when running, those running without wearing masks expose people around them to the virus. As an early morning walker, I see almost nobody around, but still sometimes am pissed off at some joggers passing by me, not wearing masks😠.

I was overtaken by one such jogger again several days ago. I quickly ran away from him to let the stupid guy know how disrespectful he was. I don't know if he understood my intentions. A little later, however, I heard again heavy breathing sounds from behind. I almost lost my temper and turned around, and guess what I saw?

A black French bulldog🐽!!! His or her loud breathing noises were attracting everyone's attention. That day, the highest temperature exceeded 30 degrees Celsius or 90 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time this year, the beginning of notorious Japanese hot and humid weather. I just cross my fingers that he or she will stay safe from not only the virus but also heat exhaustion!

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このご時世、マスクをつけないで走るなんて非常識極まりないことではないでしょうか。私が散歩に出る時間は朝早いのでほとんど人はいないとはいえ、マスクをしないままジョギングする、しかもゼーゼー言いながら通り過ぎていく人には怒りを覚えます😠 ランニング時のソーシャルディスタンスは10メートルです!



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