Love-In-A-Mist is A Bit Hairy.... 毛深くってごめんなさい🙇 ニゲラより

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Have they forgotten to shave body hair or do they think they don't have to because they're staying at home?

Love-in-a-mist ニゲラは天使?

Will they become devil-in-the-bush in autumn?

Many many nigellas! ニゲラがいっぱい!

They are nigellas or love-in-a mist. They grow in my neighborhood, so I've passed by these pale blue flowers many times, always intrigued by something threadlike which looks like "hair."

As usual, I googled and learned that it's not hair😁but finely divided leaves. The color blue is so pure and graceful, matching the name "love-in-a-mist."

The name “love-in-a-mist” is given because the flowers are surrounded by a ruff of similar leaves, giving the appearance of the flowers being surrounded by a mist. (Source: AtoZFlowers)

What made me puzzled, however, is it has another name "devil-in-the-bush." For this, The Hutchinson News gave me an answer. "The plant, when green and flowering, is called Love-in-a-Mist, but when the horned seed pods dry in the autumn it changes, like Jekyll and Hyde, to the name of Devil-in-the-Bush." This has made me decide to visit the place again in autumn to see their Jekyll-to-Hyde change, while getting me to think what we will be like at the time....

According to Organic Gardener, a love-in-the-mist flower means "perplexity," "you puzzle me" "openness to love," and "kiss me." In Japan, the flower is symbol of "perplexity" and "secret pleasure."

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近所のニゲラです。最初、色に目が行ったのですが、近づいたら結構毛だらけ。。。 あらあら、ステイホームでもムダ毛の処理はちゃんとしないとね。。。 (個人的にはそれほど興味はありませんが😁)冗談はさておき、色といい「毛じゃなくて細い葉」といい、とても可憐で、一目で好きになってしまいました。

困ったのが英語名。「love-in-a-mist」と「devil-in-the-bush」と二つあります。愛と悪魔? どっちなんだ!?この英語サイトが教えてくれました。「花が咲いているときは『love-in-a-mist』だけど、秋に種ができるとジキルとハイドのように『devil-in-the-bush』になる」。。。 よし、秋に悪魔を見に行くぞ!


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