Creeping Woodsorrel (Oxalis Corniculata) 酢漿草(カタバミ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I saw this creeping woodsorrel (Oxalis corniculata) a few days ago. The bright yellow flower is just 1 cm in diameter, so tiny that it may have been unnoticed. But I was able to find it because I looked down when walking. The cherry blossom season is over, so I no longer have to look up as I walk.

On a separate note, you may have heard of a very old song titled "Sukiyaki." The song was sung by A Taste of Honey in the U.S., topping the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart in the 1960s, but it was originally a Japanese song and the title isn't "Sukiyaki" but "I Look Up as I Walk," unlike me, who often looks down while walking! On another note, I much prefer "Boogie Oogie Oogie" to "Sukiyaki"😆   

Creeping woodsorrel 酢漿草

Oxalis corniculata カタバミ

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全然関係ないんですが、上や下を向いて歩いているというと、坂本九の「上を向いて歩こう」を思い出します。海外ではアメリカでもNo.1になった「Sukiyaki」で知られていますね。しかも A Taste of Honey がカバーしている!でも A Taste of Honey といえば Boogie Oogie Oogie でしょ!Sukiyaki とイメージが合わない。。。

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