Cherry Blossoms Change from Yellow to Pink (Cerasus Sato-Zakura Group 'Gioiko' Koidz) 黄とピンクの御衣黄(ギョイコウ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I wrote about the yellow cherry Gioko last week and at that time, the blossoms were still yellow, but now they've started to change to pink!! I love this cherry for not only the unique color of its blossoms but their change from yellow to pink!!

The Gioko cherry is not much known even among Japanese people, who love cherry blossoms so much that one of their spring events is dining and wining under the trees🍷.  

Below are cherry blossoms I've seen this spring. If you're interested in them, read these posts, too!!

Gioko changing from yellow to pink 御衣黄が黄からピンクへ

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