A Large and Old Rose Tree 大きくて古い薔薇の木

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is a large rose tree with many red rose blooms, but this post is not about these roses but where the tree is. The tree is in the garden of an apartment complex to be demolished soon due to the redevelopment of the area. These days, money can buy anything but not something that needs time to grow, like this rose tree as tall as a 3-story building, can't it? 

The garden is 50 years old and has firethorn (gigantic!), cherry, plum, orange, chocolate vine, and others, some of which are so large because of not only their age but the tender care devoted by the owners, who've already moved into a new complex nearby. I don't want to forget these plants, so I'm writing this post to keep records of them. 

About 50 years old rose tree? 推定樹齢50歳?

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