Pale Green Kousa Dogwood (Cornus Kousa) 薄緑の山法師(ヤマボウシ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are Cornus kousa or more commonly kousa dogwood. I wrote about white Cornus kousa last week but these flowers are smaller and the color is not white but pale green, which is so beautiful!! 

Since I learned that Cornus kousa was named after Enryakuji temple monks in Japanese (i.e., "evergreen Buddhist monk"; read this post to know why), I've been looking for a flower that looks like such a monk. Take a look at the 3rd photo! Do the flowers look like Enryakuji temple monks to you😊? 

Kousa dogwood 薄緑の山法師

Cornus kousa 薄緑のヤマボウシ

Two Enryakuji temple monks 延暦寺の山法師二人

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