Azaleas After the Rain 雨上がりのツツジ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Several days ago, I got up at 5 a.m. and left home for a walk. It was a beautiful morning, and while walking, I saw these azaleas covered in raindrops.

White azalea 白いツツジ

Kurume azalea (Japanese azalea) 久留米躑躅(ツツジ)
Kurume azalea was developed in southern Japan

I was so glad to see them as I needed something to soothe my anger. Prime Minister Abe and his close aids have done nothing but things unrelated to the current crisis. They have started to discuss  raising the starting age for receiving pensions and restoring royal status to former imperial family members. What a hell are they doing?

I also felt anger with people like someone (who I believe is in his 30s) tweeting that he'd never voted, but would in the next election to topple the Abe administration. I wish I could trust him, but how can I believe someone like him who has condoned Abe's or his aids' corruption and nepotism and, by doing so, effectively supported the status quo?

I am scared. I could be dead not in a month or but in three months. And when I am about to be overwhelmed by such anger, sorrow or fear, I look at photos of flowers and plants, like them, just blooming and dying but always being there...  

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1カ月後、いや3カ月後、生きてるのかな。。。なんて思いに襲われることも。。。 そんな時、花の写真を見るようにしています。


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2 件のコメント:

  1. 私達はいったいいくつになったら年金をもらえるのでしょうか。そして今、私達はどうなるのでしょうか。

    1. 最近、怒ってまして書いてしまいました。在宅できるのはありがたいのですが、体も心もちょっと弱っていて色々対策を講じています(早朝のウォーキングやテレビ体操)。
      Twitterで「どうせ変わらないから選挙行かない」という発言を時々目にするのですが、主体性がないというか。。。 はーっと力が抜ける思いです。みんながそれぞれ考え、ぶつかってもいいから意見を出して決めるという過程がいつになったら根付くのかな、と思っています。


Pink Japanese Stewartia (Stewartia Pseudocamellia) ピンクの夏椿(ナツツバキ)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 First I was surprised to find these camellia like flowers on the street I walk down every morning and then a common straight ...