Yellow Yellow Yellow! - Daisy, Buttercup, Dandelion, Mahonia, Daffodil, Hazel 黄色の花たち

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Japan has finally declared a state of emergency. As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases has already started growing exponentially, this is what every Japanese but those who still don't realize the gravity of the situation or who still believe that money is more important than people's lives, has been waiting for.

As a result, however, those living in seven prefectures, i.e., Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa, Osaka, Hyogo, and Fukuoka, may not go out for about a month unless essential, like for food or medicines, and I, as someone living in Tokyo, am one of them. So I dug into my photo archive to find something beautiful.

Euryops daisy デイジー

Bermuda buttercup オオキバナカタバミ

Dandelion タンポポ

Japanese mahonia 柊南天

Daffodil 黄水仙

Winter hazel ニオイトサミズキ

Yellow flowers usually tell us that spring is here, but not this year. There is sunshine and breeze all around us, but I cannot feel them. I needed something to cheer me up and enable me to forget about the virus for a second...

Prepare for the worst but hope for the best! This blog represents the latter part of this saying. I hope that these photos will also cheer you up!!

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散歩できません😭 そこで例のごとく昔撮った写真を探してみました。

するとありました、黄色い花が! 黄色って春の花に多い色ですよね。元気をもらえます。まだまだ春を味わえる気持ちにはなれませんが(それどころか今年の春はそれどころではなく終わってしまいそうですが)、とにかく少しずつでも状況が改善することを切に切に願っています。

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Pomegranate - Dried Up but Still Beautiful 干からびた柘榴(ザクロ)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I have no idea about how it got there. It's a pomegranate or I should say a rotten and dried up pomegranate but it's ...