My Solace - It Was Grape Hyacinth! ムスカリ(葡萄風信子)でした!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Japan has not issued a state of emergency yet but strongly requested people to stay at home unless essential. It's time to be super-resourceful, so I went through my photo archive, found these beautiful flowers and wrote "Blue Blue Blue! Foxglove, Vinca and Forget-Me-Not."

Several days later, however, I learned that the flowers below which I thought were foxgloves are not foxgloves, but MUSCARIS or GRAPE HYACINTHS...

They are not foxgloves but MUSCARIS or GRAPE HYACINTHS

Blue muscari or grape hyacinth

I learned this again from my flower teacher "@rieo_pomegranate23." She said that foxgloves were taller than grape hyacinths.... From now on, I will look at not only the petals, but also leaf shape and size of flowers before determining the name!!

According to "A to Z Flowers," muscari or grape hyacinth is a symbol of "power," "confidence," "mystery" and "creativity."

In the Japanese language of flowers, it means "disappointment." Why are they so different....?

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先日、「Blue Blue Blue! Foxglove, Vinca and Forget-Me-Not ブルーブルーブルー! 忘れな草、狐の手袋、日日草」を書いたところ、私の花の師匠である @rieo_pomegranate23 さんからまたまたご指摘をいただきました。狐の手袋と思って掲載した花は「ムスカリ(葡萄風信子)」でした。申し訳ございませんでした🙇


A to Z Flowers によると、ムスカリ(葡萄風信子、グレープヒヤシンス)の西洋の花言葉は「力」、「自信」、「神秘」、「創造力」。日本では「失望」、「失意」。どうしてこんなに違うんでしょう🙁? 不思議です。

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