Crepe Myrtles - Brown, Green, Red and Blue Sky 百日紅と空

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Spring is the season of new beginnings, and the crepe myrtle is not an exception.....

Several months ago, crepe myrtle trees in my neighborhood were all dark brown, but now they show a stark color contrast between "brown," "green," "red" and "blue," i.e., dark brown seeds and bright green leaves with a hint of red, and the blue sky background!

Crepe myrtle with blue sky background

Creme myrtle seeds and leaves

Crepe myrtle's growth made me think about the "post-coronavirus" world. What will it be like? Will the pandemic change us and, if so, how? Will the coronavirus experience make Japanese people more responsible for themselves and go to vote in the next election (to stop one party ruling for so long)? These questions made me determined to be stronger and survive to see if Japan and its people really change.

Green leaves with a hint of red!

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