Spotted Bellflowers ホタルブクロ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are not gorgeous, but the color is elegantly pretty and the shape unique. They are spotted bellflowers.

Spotted bellflowers ホタルブクロ

Downward facing 下向きに咲く

Spotted bellflower is called "firefly bag" in Japanese because children used to put fireflies into these flowers or fireflies enter into this bag-shaped (?) flower.

A "bell" and a"firefly" both reminded me of Kyoto and Nara where there are many temples and shrines with big beautiful bells and the Kamogawa river, which is famous for fireflies, making me wonder when I can go there again😔.......   

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ホタルブクロです。子供がこの袋のような花にホタルを入れて遊んだ、あるいは蛍自らが花の中に入ることからその名がついたそうです。英語では「斑点のある釣鐘花(spotted bellflower)」。とってもいい名前です😄


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