Not Freesia But Daylily 香雪蘭(フリージア)じゃなくてヘメロカリスでした🙇

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I published a post about "common St. John's wort" flowers a few days ago, writing how difficult it was to distinguish them from "goldencup St. John's wort." But that was not the whole story. Before that, I confused St. John's wort with yellow freesia...  

Yellow freesia (I first thought so. See below for details)

Common St. John't wort - similar to freesia isn't it?

Turned out to be not freesias but daylilies

If the shape of freesia's leaves were more like St. John's wort's, the post I wrote a couple of days ago would have been titled "Goldencup St. John's wort," containing photos of wrong flowers, i.e., common St. Johns wort and freesia. But don't blame me! Their colors are so similar and vibrant!

Right after publishing the above post, I got a message from a flower friend of mine that the flower I thought freesias are not freesias, but daylilies!! Common St. John's wort, goldencup St. John's wort, daylily, freesia..... Please forgive me for making such a silly mistake! You are all beautiful!!! 

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ビヨウヤナギ(common St. John's wort)と金糸梅(goldencup St. John's wort)を間違えそうになったことについては先日書きましたが、実はそれだけではありません。フリージアとも間違えそうになりました。だって黄色がこんなに溌溂として似てるんですもの。葉っぱの形も似ていたら間違えるところでした。。。


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