Red and White Freesia Laxa (Flowering Grass) 赤と白の姫檜扇 (ヒメヒオウギ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These flowers may be classified as weeds given the place where I found them, but they're too pretty to call them as such. They're freesia laxa or flowering grass. Freesia laxa is originally an ornamental plant, but now grows everywhere in Japan like weeds.

Red freesia laxa 赤い姫檜扇

White freesia laxa 白い姫檜扇

Red flowering grass 赤いヒメヒオウギ

White flowering grass 白いヒメヒオウギ

They're like weeds 雑草みたい

The reddish orange color first caught my eye, which led to finding white ones. Freesia laxa is pretty and hardy as other pretty weeds are, such as wood sorrels, speedwells, and cucumber herbs. Being pretty and hardy is essential for not only plants but people😊! 

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赤と白の姫檜扇 (ヒメヒオウギ)です。こんなに綺麗なのに既に雑草と化していて、カタバミオオイヌノフグリキュウリグサなどと同様あちこちで咲いています。可愛くたくましくあることは雑草だけでなく人にとっても大切なことだと思います😊

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