Duchesnea Chrysantha (False Strawberry) 蛇苺(ヘビイチゴ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are Duchesnea chrysantha, commonly called false strawberries. I walk around this area almost every day but didn't notice them until today because unlike other strawberries, the false strawberry is a ground cover, so the berries are unnoticeable until turning red😅. According to a website of someone who's tried them, false strawberries are edible but tasteless and that's why in Japan they're called snake strawberries, i.e., strawberries🍓 for snakes🐍.   

Duchesnea chrysantha 蛇苺

False strawberry ヘビイチゴ

False strawberry ヘビイチゴ

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蛇苺(ヘビイチゴ)です。毎日側を歩いているのに今日まで全く気付かず。。。 でもそれには理由が。蛇苺って他のイチゴと違って地面を這うように生えるので赤くなるまで気づかないのです😅。ネット情報によると食べられるけど味はせず、だからヘビ🐍(にやる)イチゴらしいです🍓。

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