Hi! I'm Kei Narujima. This is a blog about flowers/plants🌼and bugs🐛, and sometimes art and unique Japanese culture that make you smile or think (or so I hope)!! こんにちは。花や虫、そして時々日本の文化などについて書いてます😊。税務英語については https://zeimueigo.blogspot.com/ をご覧ください。
New Year Food - Sweet Black Soybeans (Kuromame) Made With Sumikko Gurashi 黒豆とすみっコぐらし
Red Bougainvillea At December End 年末の赤いブーゲンビリア
Red bougainvillea 赤いブーゲンビリア |
Oxalis (Yellow Wood Sorrel) 黄色のオキザリス(カタバミ)
Oxalis オキザリス |
Commonly yellow wood sorrel カタバミ属です |
Very hardy! たくましいです! |
Red, Yellow, and Orange Leaves in Winter 冬の紅葉
The autumn leaf season is over, but still such colorful leaves were/are all around my house and in Tokyo National Museum. I usually have no hesitation to throw away and delete things, including photos, unlike my husband, who is a hoarder😂, but these leaves are so beautiful that I couldn't delete these photos. This is the last post about 2020 autumn leaves!😊
Long Walk from Zojoji Temple to Atago Jinja Shrine😊 増上寺から愛宕神社まで散歩しました😊
Year of the Ox/Cow🐂🐄 Is Coming! 丑ツリー🐂🐄!
Netsuke - Wind and Thunder Gods, Masks, and Blowfish🐡 根付 - 風神雷神、面、フグ🐡
I've written many posts about netsuke. According to Britannica, netsuke is an ornamental togglelike piece, usually of carved ivory, used to attach a medicine box, pipe, or tobacco pouch to the obi (sash) of a Japanese man’s traditional dress.
A Meeting to Discuss "Kim Ji-Young: Born 1982" 「82年生まれ、キム・ジョン」について話しました!
I attended a meeting to discuss "Kim Ji-young: Born 1982," a million selling book by Cho Nam-joo published in 2016, and a film based on the novel, released in 2019.
"Things Left Unsaid" Should Be Said! - Covid-19 Spreads By Airborne Transmission コロナは空気感染します!!
A Japanese Hoarder... 捨てられない男。。。
Earthquake Clouds, Rainbow, Moon 地震雲、虹、月
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"Umai bo," small, puffed, corn snack? うまい棒? |
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Or nine tails of a fox? 九尾の狐? |
Some say that these are earthquake clouds, i.e., clouds predicting imminent earthquakes, while others are against the claim saying there is little support for it. I don't know which is true but these clouds were so beautiful that I decided to include other beautiful photos I took before of the rainbow, moon and clouds...
Social Distancing Reduces Family Stress ソーシャルディスタンスでストレス減らしました。。。
You may want to believe that your parents are like you, but I know for a fact that's not necessarily true...
Is the Daffodil Chinese or Japanese? 中国水仙?日本水仙?
Boiled Azuki Beans With No Sugar 小豆を砂糖なしで茹でました!
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
If I had to say something good about Covid-19, it would be working from home because WFH has given me time to try recipes that take a long time to cook (e.g., boiling, simmering and stewing), which has widened the variety of foods I eat. I've tried dates, goji berries, black soybeans, cacao nibs, etc., so far, and this time azuki beans!!
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Azuki beans before boiling 茹でる前 |
Autumn Leaves - Red Gives Me Strength! 紅葉 - 赤ってパワフル!
Walking at Night in Tokyo 夜のお散歩
I don't eat out these days but still go to a few restaurants to enjoy what I can't make at home, and one such food is soba, i.e., noodles made from buckwheat flour. I go to a soba restaurant "Uchida" once a month. I arrive there at 5 p.m. on Saturday and leave there at around 6:30 p.m. before other customers come. There is another thing I like about this restaurant, that is, walking my way back home.
Dried Date with Peanut Butter and Cacao Nibs 棗とピーナツバターとカカオニブ
Pittosporum Tobira (Japanese Cheesewood) トベラ
December Cherry Blossoms🌸 十二月桜🌸
Smiling Monkey Forest Tree (Magnolia Maudiae) ミヤマガンショウ(深山含笑)
英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I've been busy so haven't been able to take a morning walk for the last week. And this morning, when going through a ...
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I read "A Pale View of Hills" by Kazuo Ishiguro a few years ago. The book was my second...
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I was so lucky! I found these mushrooms during a morning walk. What am I going to make for dinner? ...