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He doesn't know but is being boiled to death... |
The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly. Source: Wikipedia
The Japanese government announced on March 20 to partially lift a ban on schools and public events it had imposed on February 25 due to the coronavirus outbreak. Now, municipals and event organizers are allowed to decide themselves whether to reopen schools and hold events.
The government based this decision on "their understanding" that generally, the situation has been successfully contained given "the low numbers of infections and deaths in Japan," i.e., 950 and 33 respectively as of March 20*. However, there are reasons behind these figures.
* Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan
* Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan
First, the number of coronaviurs tests done so far in Japan is far less than other countries as shown in the table below. It's natural that Japan has fewer cases. The fewer tests, the fewer infections found.
Total COVID-tests performed by country
Source: Our World in Data
Secondly, Japan does not perform the tests for those who died of pneumonia. This means that some coronavirus deaths are not counted as such but are included in deaths of pneumonia unrelated to the virus.
Total COVID-tests performed by country
No. of tests performed
(Mar 19)
South Korea
(Mar 20)
(Mar 20)
(Mar 15)
(Mar 20)
(Mar 20)
United States
(Mar 19)
United Kingdom
(Mar 19)
(Mar 15)
Secondly, Japan does not perform the tests for those who died of pneumonia. This means that some coronavirus deaths are not counted as such but are included in deaths of pneumonia unrelated to the virus.
However, nobody seems to care about this. Why? This is where the boiling frog theory comes into play.
The Japanese government has currently applied the boiling frog theory to the real world to avoid its responsibility. The administration has "requested" school closures and event cancellations but has not made any decisions itself, leaving the most important role to each municipality and event organizer. This also satisfies people's need for something they can use as an excuse to avoid their own responsibility to think themselves about how to protect their lives. Now, the government and public of Japan are all frogs in tepid water being brought to a boil like the wartime period in which all the Japanese people stopped thinking and did what they were told to do, resulting in many lives lost...
The Japanese government has currently applied the boiling frog theory to the real world to avoid its responsibility. The administration has "requested" school closures and event cancellations but has not made any decisions itself, leaving the most important role to each municipality and event organizer. This also satisfies people's need for something they can use as an excuse to avoid their own responsibility to think themselves about how to protect their lives. Now, the government and public of Japan are all frogs in tepid water being brought to a boil like the wartime period in which all the Japanese people stopped thinking and did what they were told to do, resulting in many lives lost...
Or Japan may believe in another theory. The kamikaze theory that divine wind would blow in hard times to save Japan as it did in 13th century by destroying the Mongolian fleet....
Japan is now getting to a normal life in lukewarm water. People are gathering at stadiums, theaters and amusement parks, and under cherry blossoms, which horrifies me...
For another application of the boiling frog theory, read this.
Japan is now getting to a normal life in lukewarm water. People are gathering at stadiums, theaters and amusement parks, and under cherry blossoms, which horrifies me...
For another application of the boiling frog theory, read this.
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ゆでガエル理論とは「カエルはいきなり熱湯に入れると驚いて逃げ出すが、常温の水に入れて徐々に水温を上げていくと逃げ出すタイミングを失い、最後には死んでしまう」という理論。政府も国民も責任を伴う決断を避けるため、耳障りのいい情報を信じて、 のんびりオーバーシュート、そして医療崩壊に自ら向かっている気がしてなりません。
いやいや、もしかしたら神風を待っている? 大勢の人が K-1、宝塚、としまえん、お花見に「のほほん」と集まっている様子を見るとぞっとします😱😠。
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