How Coronavirus Affects Me - No.2 コロナの影響 No.2

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Coronavirus has been affecting our daily lives. In my case, I have been teleworking for the last three weeks, resulting in me doing at least 50 squats a day.

Another change I've been thinking about is SELF HAIR CUTTING, so I got thinning scissors!!

Thinning scissors I got for self hair cutting

So far, I have cut my sides only, but in a week or two I will have to cut the hair in the back😱 Or should I think of it as an opportunity to grow my hair for the first time in ten years? I will need to make the decision at the latest in two weeks.....

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ネットですきバサミを買いました。コロナが怖くて美容院に行けないからです。サイドは自分で切れたのですが、後ろもできるのでしょうか😱。。。 既にボーボーなので猶予期間は2週間。2週間後にはセルフカットに挑戦しているかもしれません(笑)!

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