How Coronavirus Affects Me - I'm Being Watched.... コロナの影響

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

A few days ago I was invited to a meeting. The meeting was between me and my coworkers in Japan and those in another country.

Five minutes before the meeting started, I sat before my computer and was about to click "JOIN THE MEETING" when realizing the possibility that it might be held on video.... I dashed to the washroom to put makeup on!! I was working from HOME!!

I've been teleworking since mid-February, which of course is good to prevent the contraction of the coronavirus, but has changed my life as follows:

- I no longer do my makeup.
- I no longer do my hair.
- I no longer see anyone but my husband.
- I no longer go out, just walking at home.

It's been getting popular among younger Japanese people to get together (?) on video and have a drink. Maybe it's time for me to give it a try...

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先日のミーティングの時の話です。開始5分前、PCに向かって「JOIN THE MEETING」をクリックしようとして気づきました。「これってビデオ会議??」すぐに洗面所にダッーシュ!! お化粧しました。。。


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