Jingdezhen Yellow vs. Tulip Yellow 景徳鎮の黄色はチューリップの黄色?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This bright yellow of these Jingdezhen wares was created from yellow glazes....

Jingdezhen dish in shape of lotus, Qing dynasty, Yongzheng era (1723-1735) 

 Jingdezhen bowl, Ming dynasty, Jiajing era (1522-1566)

But did only yellow glazes make it possible to create such beautiful vivid yellow? Then, I remembered the tulips I had taken photos of near the museum where the dish and the bowl were on show....The vibrant tulips made me happy, so they must have also inspired potters in the Ming and Qing dynasties to recreate such lively yellow on their own...

By the Ueno park fountain near Tokyo National Museum

The two Jingdezhen wares are on show at Tokyo National Museum and the tulips are around a nearby fountain.

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