Verbenas & Lantanas Look Same😅 - Seven Bicolor/Tricolor Ones バーベナとランタナがもう分からない😅

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I like small flowers. I like colorful flowers. This makes me like small and colorful flowers so much!!! The first one is my favorite because of the shape of the buds, which look like stars!! 

Star-like buds - red, orange and pink   
星形のつぼみ -  赤、オレンジ、ピンク

White and yellow 白と黄色

White, yellow, orange and pink

Red, orange and yellow 赤、オレンジ、黄色

White, yellow and green 白、黄、緑

Yellow and pale green 黄と緑

Two yellow colors 黄色2種

To tell you the truth, I have given up on differentiating verbenas and lantanas because I don't think lay persons like me can tell which one is which. According to SFGATE, ".... Because of their similar characteristics, they’re often confused as the same plant..... Lantana and verbena appear similar, but they have different hardiness zones, growth habits and toxicity levels."

Okay, they are different in hardiness zones, growth habits and toxicity levels, but with only these, I can't make distinctions. I need more, like differences easy to see, such as differences in the color or shape of petals or leaves, but I couldn't find them, which made me give up on differentiating these two... 

I can't tell which one is which, but can tell what they have in common! They are both small, colorful and pretty! That's why I love them both❤️!

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白状します。バーベナとランタナ。もう分かりません。あるサイトによると耐寒性、生育習性、毒性基準が異なるそうです。でもそれだけじゃわからな~い。花びらや葉っぱの形とか、私のような素人にもわかるような見分け方を教えてほしい~! でも見つらない。。。 で、諦めました🙇

でもね、どっちもちっちゃくてきれい! だからどっちも好きっていうことでお許しください(笑)

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