Cockspur Coral Tree 海紅豆(アメリカデイゴ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

They are cockspur coral tree flowers. I found them near where I had seen bottlebrush trees two months ago. The shape of the buds is unique as the name says, but to me, they look more like beaks and flowers open wings. The combination of red and green, i.e., complementary colors, is also striking.

Do they look like cockspurs or beaks to you?

Flowers are like wings! 翼みたい!

Cockspur coral tree is the national flower of Argentina and Uruguay while being the prefectural tree of the Kagoshima prefecture, the most southern part second to Okinawa in Japan. 

I once lived in the southern tip of Kagoshima. It was only less than two years, but with so much fun - eating wild Japanese hassaku oranges and loquats, playing outside with classmates in the midst of a typhoon, climbing a nearby mountain and swimming in the sea... It was beautiful and full of nature!

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2カ月ほど前にブラシノキを見つけたのですが、その近くに咲いていた海紅豆(アメリカデイゴ)です。アルゼンチンとウルグアイの国花で、英語では「cockspur(雄鶏の蹴爪)」に似ているから「cockspur coral tree」と呼ばれています。私には、蕾は嘴(くちばし)、花は翼に見えますが、いずれにしても、形といい、緑と赤の補色のコントラストといい、目立つ花です。


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