Petunias in Various Colors 色とりどりのペチュニア

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I first wrote about petunias in March this year. And at that time I didn't know I would enjoy this flower for such a long time!
Violet petals, violet veins 菫色

Purple veins 薄紫に花脈が濃い紫

Bright pink 濃いピンク

Pink ピンク一色

Pink petals, white center, bright pink veins

Dark purple 濃い紫

Cream petals with yellow veins 黄色い花脈

Pink petals with white center ピンクがきれい!

Blue or black veins 紺の花脈?

Orange pink veins 濃いピンクの花脈

Lime yellow ライムイエロー

 Red 赤

White 白

Grapefruit pink グレープフルーツ色?

The beauty of petunias is derived from not only petals but beautiful veins as cape periwinkle's prettiness coming from the combination of colors of its petals and eye (i.e., the center of the flower).

Petunia is called "Japanese badminton shuttlecock morning glory" because its sepal looks like a Japanese badminton shuttlecock while the flower morning glory. But to tell you the truth, I didn't know that, mistaking the flower for morning glory four months ago when seeing it for the first time.

The more we know, the more deeply we can enjoy our lives, and morning walking gives me an opportunity to make my life more interesting and fun😉!    

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と偉そうに書きましたが、3月に初めて見たときは朝顔と間違ってしまいました。。。 物事知ると楽しみも増える。最近ウォーキング中は「何でも見よう!いろいろ知ろう!」ときょろきょろ。挙動不審ですね(笑)。

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