Japanese Weigela Is Fickle! 箱根空木は移り気!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I wrote about Japanese weigela in May. I saw the tree again a few days ago and was amazed again by this tree flowering in three colors, white, pink, and purple! 

Tricolor Japanese weigela 箱根空木の花は三色

Popular with bees 蜂に人気

Before color changes 色が変わる前 

Changing from white to pink 白からピンクへ

The flower is about 2 cm ちっちゃい花

The nectar of Japanese weigela must be so delicious because otherwise I wouldn't have seen at least three bees landing on the flowers while taking photos. 

Japanese weigela flower changes its color from white to pale pink, then to reddish purple, so it's understandable that the flower means "fickleness" in the Japanese floriography.

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箱根空木は英語では「Japanese weigela」、通常の空木(deutzia crenata)とは違う仲間です。

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