Marvel of Peru is Late Riser!! オシロイバナはお寝坊さん!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

They were always asleep when I walked early morning, so I thought that they hadn't bloomed yet, but I was wrong. A few days ago, at around 4 p.m., I saw them all in full bloom.
These are marvel of Peru flowers, also called four o'clock flowers because they usually open from late afternoon or at dusk (namely between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.). 

Pink marvel-of-Peru at 4 p.m.

Still asleep at 6 p.m. 朝6時はまだお眠

Watched over by swamp rose mallow

Yellow four o'clock is awake 黄色の白粉花

Beautiful stamens 雄しべもくっきり

Still asleep at 6 a.m. 朝6時はまだ眠たい

In Japan, they are called "face powder flowers" because its endosperm was used as face powder during the Edo period (1603-1868).

I don't go out these days unless it's really necessary, but doing something at a different time from normal reminded me of what it was like before Covid-19.... 

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早朝いつも萎んでいるので、まだ咲いてないんだと思ってたのですが間違ってました。先日夕方4時ごろ出かけたら満開。英語では「four o'clock(午後4時)」とも言われているのですがその通りでした。ピンクも黄色もきれいです。



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