Swamp Rose Mallow in Red, Bright Pink and Pale Pink アメリカ芙蓉がいっぱい!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Swamp rose mallow or hibiscus moscheutos is called "American confederate rose" in Japan and known for its large flowers. They are so large that I couldn't help but laugh when I saw these😅

Parent and child or brother and sister?

Dark red is rare! 赤は珍しい

Definitely larger than my face

Too many giant flowers...

Don't push! 押さんといて!

The only bright pink in my neighborhood

I found them in a park in my neighborhood. The park is small with no playground equipment but has such beautiful and incredibly large flowers. The flowers surprised me also because they hadn't been there but came into existence out of the blue one day. Going around the park is now my new routine. 

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近所の公園に咲いていたアメリカ芙蓉です。遊具もない小さい公園ですが花が圧倒的。。。 あまりに大きすぎて、そして多すぎて笑ってしまいました。色も薄いピンク、濃いピンク、赤と見事です!

ほぼ毎日通る道なのですが、ある日突然出現したと思ったら次から次へと。。。 勘弁してくれ、と思いつつ写真撮ってしまいました😆 最近の新しい日課です。

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