Balloon Flower Was Morning Glory in Japan 原始、桔梗は朝顔だった

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are balloon flowers blooming in my neighborhood.

Deep purple 桔梗

I first found deep purple balloon flowers and a few weeks later white and pale purple ones. They are pretty in any color.

Ballooned-shaped bud つぼみがバルーン

Pale purple 薄紫

Surprisingly, balloon flower was called "morning glory" during the Manyo period (from the mid-7th to the mid-8th century) in Japan because then beautiful flowers blooming in the morning were all called morning glory. Do you find it inclusive or sloppy?

This reminded me of another inclusiveness or sloppiness issue about the colors of Japan, specifically, blue and green. If you are interested, read "Goryeo Celadon and Colors of Japan."

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英語では蕾がバルーン型だから「balloon flower」というそうです。可愛い名前です。

ところで桔梗、万葉の時代は朝顔と呼ばれていたとのこと。朝に咲く美しい花は全て「朝顔」だったからだそうです。おおらかと見るか、いい加減と見るか。。。 私は前者かな🙇

ちなみに万葉の時代、「緑」は「青」でした。詳しくお知りになりたい方は「Goryeo Celadon and Colors of Japan 高麗青磁は青?緑?」もどうぞ!!

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