Orange Lily - A Stamen Consists of Filament and Another 百合の雄しべ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I like parts of a flower, i.e., pistil, style, stamen... Their shapes and points where they are attached vary between flowers. Their detailedness is amazing, which makes each flower unique! And that's why I love the orange lily below. Look at its long stamens!    

Stamens of lily are long and conspicuous!

A stamen consists of a stalk called "filament" and the tip part called "another." Umm, is "another" the name of the tip part of a stamen? Please someone, give a better name to this beautiful brown parts!!

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ユリです。でも今日の主役は雄しべ。すごい存在感です。葯と花糸から構成されています。ちなみに葯って「another」って言うそうです。「another」? なんておざなりな。。。 誰かもうちょっといい名前を付けてあげて~😃

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