Dear Bugs! Ant, Grasshopper, Horsefly, Ladybug and Others! 働き虫と怠け虫

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I'm not interested in insects so much, but these days, I often see ants, bees, flies, ladybug and other bugs on and inside flowers. This made me think of what they are doing there. Of course they are busy collecting their food or just resting...

Striped shield bug アカスジカメムシ

Orange and black stripes are beautiful!

Japanese weigela and horsefly 箱根空木とアブ

Japanese weigela and horsefly 箱根空木とアブ

Grasshopper? バッタ?

Korean rose buds 木槿

A drone beetle resting on Japanese weigela leaf
A drone beetle resting on bushkiller

Can you see them? 見えますか?

We're busy in the morning 朝は忙しいの!

Yellow flower 花の名前は分かりません。。。

Rose glory bower 牡丹臭木(ボタンクサギ)

Ants on rose of Sharon's bud 

Korean rose 芙蓉

Crepe myrtle サルスベリ

Another Japanese weigela - ant and horsefly 
箱根空木 アリとアブ?

Two ladybugs on crepe myrtle seeds

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