White, Pink and Red Cape Periwinkles 白、ピンク、赤の日日草

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I like colors. I like color combinations. So, naturally, I like these bicolor cape periwinkles or Madagascar periwinkles.

Pale purple cape periwinkle with dark purple eye

Also called "Madagascar periwinkle"
Baby pink petals with pale pink eye 

Pale pink petals with bright pink eye 

White petals with yellow eye 白と黄色

White petals with red eye 紅白

Dark red petals with white eye 濃い赤と白

Red petals with red eye 真っ赤っか

In Japan, cape periwinkle is called "daily plants" because it flowers every day from early summer to late autumn. I'm happy that I can enjoy such a beautiful flower through autumn!

There is another thing which shouldn't be forgotten and which makes this flower prettier... Green leaves! A single color is beautiful, but a bicolor flower combined with the green leaves makes the flower look far prettier and more conspicuous. Diversity matters to not only people but flowers😆!

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