Who's Francis Mason? フランシスメイソンって誰?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

They are Fransis Mason. Who's Francis Mason? That was what I thought when seeing the flower tag first a few months ago. It's funny that a flower has such a noble name, isn't it!

White Francis Mason abelia

White and pink

Pink Francis Mason

The flower tag says that Francis Mason is white, but I found a place where pink ones are in bloom side by side with the white ones. The combination of white and pink made them look prettier and gorgeous...

Francis Mason has another interesting characteristic. Although pink ones have just green leaves, white ones have variegated leaves, i.e., dark green leaves with golden-yellow margin.

I googled the reason for such a noble name, but couldn't find any information.... 

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フランシス メイソンです。咲く前から札を見て興味津々。「フランシス メイソン?貴族?」なんて思ってました。



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