Morning Glory - Various Leaf Forms 朝顔の葉っぱいろいろ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I've been watching the growth of morning glories for the past several weeks. Some were still buds while others in full bloom. Also, some were up above and others hiding under leaves, but can you tell the differences among these pretty and gorgeous flowers other than the color?  

About to bloom 咲く直前

Ready to bloom 準備万端。。。

Before full bloom 満開直前

Bright pink 濃いピンク

Blooming vertically 直立咲き!

The answer is the leaf form!! There are at least nine leaf forms for morning glories. Did you know that? So, now, let's focus on the form of their leaves! (Source: Various leaf forms of the varied (mutant) Japanese morning glory)

1. General 並葉・常葉

2. Another general 並葉・常葉

3. Round heart shaped - Ants are busy working
丸葉 - アリさん、大忙し!

4. Maple leaf shaped 立田葉?

Morning glories in 1, 2 and 3 are all purple and look completely the same, but although the leaf shape in 1 and 2 is the same, it's different from that in 3. And look at Picture 4. It has at least two maple-leaf shaped leaves divided into five lobes. Wow, that's why it's fun knowing things! 

According to the website, the Japanese morning glory has nine types of leaf shapes, and I've found three of them, which has increased the fun for my morning walk😊!

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ここのところアサガオをずっと見ていました。紫の花が上や下やいろんなところにたくさん咲いています。。。 で、きづいたんです。みんな同じに見えるけど葉っぱの形が違うではないか!


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