Hairy Flowers 🪒 - Spider Flower and Gaura クレオメとガウラは毛深い🪒

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Hairy flowers often catch my eye. I don't know why. Cleome hassleriana below, commonly known as spider flower, is one such flower.

Cleome hassleriana クレオメ

Spider flower 西洋風蝶草

Cleome has long thread-like stamens 長い雄しべ

Cleome or spider flower is called in Japan "Western wind butterfly flower," meaning Japanese see it as a butterfly while English speakers a spider, and I see it as hair.

The white and pink gaura flowers or beeblossom (because the flower attracts bees!) below also look hairy to me, but in Japan they are called "White butterfly flower" and "Mountain pink flower" respectively. 
White gaura 白のガウラ

White butterfly flower in Japanese 白蝶草

Pink gaura ピンクのガウラ

Mountain pink flower in Japanese 山桃草

Hair removal is very popular in Japan among not only women but also men, and that's not only in Japan. Getting rid of body hair seems to be increasingly popular in the US and European countries, too. But that may not be true of European women. You may still remember French women showing their hairy armpits to fight against the pressure women face to shave or wax. 

Speaking of hair, I have a more serious hair related problem. I have had to cut my own hair myself at least once a month for nearly six months (because I have short hair) 😱 Somebody, HEEELLLP me!

To see more hairy flowers, St. John's wort and love-in-a-mist (nigella), read these posts!
St. John's Wort is Hairy, Too!
Love-In-A-Mist is A Bit Hairy....

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ただ、今の私にとって「毛」と言えば「髪の毛」です。かれこれ半年美容院に行っておらず、セルフカットで済ませていますがもう限界! ショートなので大変です。誰かダスゲデ~😱 !! 


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Pomegranate - Dried Up but Still Beautiful 干からびた柘榴(ザクロ)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I have no idea about how it got there. It's a pomegranate or I should say a rotten and dried up pomegranate but it's ...