Four Hibiscuses - Hamabo, Rosa-Sinensis, Moscheutos, Syriacus 4つのハイビスカス

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I wrote about hibiscus moscheutos (or swamp rose mallow) and hibiscus syriacus (or Korean rose) a few days ago. I had already seen this yellow flower, but didn't realize that it was another hibiscus, hibiscus hamabo.

Hibiscus hamabo ハマボウ

Then, I found the red hibiscus rosa-sinensis or Chinese hibiscus below, the only hibiscus called "hibiscus" in Japan. It's so confusing that hibiscus hamabo, hibiscus rosa-sinensis, hibiscus monscheutos and hibiscus syriacus are not called hibiscus in Japan!! 

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis or Chinese hibiscus

Stamens are on the tip of style

The difference between hibiscus rosa-sinensis (above) and hibiscus moscheutos (below) is where the stamens are attached. The stamens of hibiscus rosa-sinensis (above) are attached to the top of the style while those of hibiscus moscheutos (below) to a lower part of the style.

Hibiscus moscheutos
Stamens are attached to lower part of style

White hibiscus moscheutos 白のアメリカ芙蓉

Hibiscus moscheutos' bud

Then, I found white, pale purple and bright pink hibiscus syriacus flowers below.

White hibiscus syriacus 白い木槿

Pale purple hibiscus syriacus 薄紫の木槿

Bright pink hibiscus syriacus 濃いピンクの木槿

I felt a little sad about the end of the hydrangea season, so the beginning of the hibiscus season got me excited!! 

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紫陽花が終わって寂しかったのですが、ハイビスカスでこんなに楽しめるなんて! 嬉しい驚きです😉!

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